AIA+2030 Session II

Getting to 60: The Power of Targets + Load Reduction

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August 7, 2015
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Architecture Center Houston
315 Capitol, Suite 120
Houston, TX 77002

Brought to you by the Committee On The Environment

Session II:

Getting to 60: The Power of Targets + Load Reduction

The goal of the 2030 Challenge® is to create buildings that are designed to meet a fossil fuel, greenhouse gas emitting, energy performance standard of 60% less than the regional (or national) average for that building type now, with the standard rising to a 70% reduction in 2015 and incrementally increasing 10% in efficiency every five years until 2030, when the goal of zero emissions is met. One of the more compelling aspects of dramatic energy reductions is the mounting evidence that if done well, such ambitious goals can actually be done with little or no added costs. This session will explore the use of EPA’s Target Finder (ENERGY STAR) to establish design targets and metrics, such as Energy Use Intensity (EUI). The session will include multiple examples of projects that have achieved exemplary energy performance, offer approaches for incorporating targets into the design process, and explore how providing targeting and EUI information can be a value-added service for design firms.

AIA+2030 Learning Objectives

  • Describe the energy/carbon objectives of the 2030 Challenge.
  • Use the Energy Star Target Finder tool to set an Energy Use Intensity target for a project.
  • Summarize the concept of Energy Use Intensity (EUI) and describe why it is an important tool for setting energy targets.

Click here to download a printable document containing all 2015 session information.