ArCH Film Festival: 24 City (2008)

Sponsored by 14 Pews

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November 16, 2018
6:45 PM
14 Pews
800 Aurora
Houston, TX 77009

Brought to you by the ArCH Film Program

Director: Jia Zhang Ke

24 City (2008) focuses on the lives of eight people after a thriving factory in China that provides hundreds of jobs is replaced by an apartment complex.  Factory 420 is being demolished to make way for multi-story buildings with luxury flats.  Scenes of factory operations, of the people who work there and of buildings razed, are inter-cut with stories from workers who were born in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s - and concludes with two young people talking, each the child of workers, relaying a story of one visit to a factory.


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