BEC Houston – Modern Sheet Air Barriers Virtual CEU

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September 23, 2020
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
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Brought to you by the Building Enclosure Council

Title:  BEC Houston – Modern Sheet Air Barriers hosted by Polyguard
Event Sponsor: Polyguard
Timeline: Wednesday, 23 Sept 2020, 12 pm – 2 pm CST


Online registration closes September 9th.  Registration is required.  


12 PM - 1 PM (1 hr) – Part 1: Technical Presentation on The History and Evolution of Modern Sheet Air Barriers
1 PM - 2 PM (1 hr) – Hands-On Air Barrier Mock-Up Kit (Virtual)

Location: Zoom Meeting – Zoom dial in information will be sent to all registered participants prior to the start of the event.    


This will be a FREE event and we encourage all HOU BEC past and present members to participate.

**When registering for this event, please register with the mailing address where you would like the Air Barrier Kit shipped to.**


Part 1: Design, Material, Installation – Sheet-Applied Air Barriers: The History and Evolution of Modern Sheet Air Barriers. Polyguard will present an overview of the Integrated Building Envelope achieved through understanding of Design, Material and Installation in order to create continuity in both the process and the building. This course will review the history and evolution of sheet-applied air barriers and will discuss new technologies in both sheet and fluid air barrier components that allow them to work seamlessly together as a system. Learning objectives: 1) Understand the origins of sheet-applied air barriers; 2)Identify causes for how sheet-applied air barriers fell out of favor.; 3) How technology has brought about an evolutionary change of sheet-applied air barriers; 4) Understand how to make sheet-applied air barriers part of an Integrated Building Envelope.  AIA Credit 1 HSW/LU.


Part 2: Sheet Air Barriers Hand-On Training. Experience the feeling of working with the materials used and evaluated in field conditions while never leaving the comfort of your office or home. Each individual participating in the training will receive a Virtual IBE Level III Training Sheet Air Barrier Kit where the shipping box will be used as a mock-up substrate for the enclosed air barrier materials. Each Hands-On box contains:
- Cardboard to create a window buck mock-up.
- Carboard roll to create a pipe penetration mock-up.
- Self-adhering sheet air barrier membrane to flash the window buck and pipe penetration.
- Enclosed instructions.


Course certificates will be provided for all attendees.
AIA credits will be submitted by Polyguard Products, Inc.
IIBEC credits are self-reporting.