
Contact Geoff Smith about sponsorship opportunities
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September 11, 2015
6:30 PM
Palace Bowling Lanes
4191 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, TX 77025

Brought to you by the Advocacy and Permitting Committee

What is TAC?

The Texas Society of Architects maintains an active government relations program to promote the interests of its membership. Through the Texas Architects Committee (TAC), an unincorporated political action organization allowed under Section 527 of the IRS Code, the Society raises funds for contributions to candidates running for public office.

What is Bowl-a-TAC?
An opportunity for Houston-area architects and affiliates to support the efforts of the Texas Architects Committee (TAC).  We come together for an evening of bowling, cocktails, conversation, networking, and friendly competition.

Why Donate to TAC?
"What is TAC and how does it affect me?" TAC is a political action organization that promotes the interest of architects in Texas by raising funds for campaign contributions, to have our voices heard in the legislative process.
