Collegiate Scholarship and Mentorship Program 2024-2025

The LiA Mentorship and Scholarship program is open to all Latino architecture students pursuing a degree in architecture at the University of Houston, Rice University, or Prairie View A&M University.
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September 25, 2024
7:00 PM
Architecture Center Houston
902 Commerce St
Houston, TX 77002

Brought to you by the Latinos in Architecture

The Latinos in Architecture (LiA) collegiate mentorship and scholarship program, through AIA Houston and Architecture Center Houston, intends to bridge the gap between students and professionals in the Latino architecture community. The mentorship and scholarship program matches college students pursuing a career path in architecture with a mentor that has an established career in architecture.The program is for Latino students who are striving to influnece the future of the built environment and the architecture profession.

for the mentorship:

  • Student pursuing a degree in architecture at the University of Houston, Rice University, or Prairie View A&M University.
  • The program is open to both US citizzens and foreign students.

for the scholarship:

  • Students with at least one more academic year to apply scholarships funds directly to tuition.
  • Students with full scholarships are not eligible.

The 2024-2025 program begins in September 2024 and concludes in May 2025.

  • Regularly check in with an assigned mentor (at least 4 times). These meetings can be in-person, virtual, or via phone call.
  • ​Participate in the kick-off event where they will meet the mentors. Kick-off will take place September 25 at 7pm. Register here.
  • Participate in the portfolio review organized by the LiA Committee.
  • Attend three LiA, AIAH, TSA or HNOMA sponsored events. Not including student chapters.
  • Attend their university or college career fair.
  • Submit a PDF on a project or portfolio at the end of the Fall semester.
  • Submit a 10-minute video on a project or portfolio at the end of the Spring semester. The video should not be a recording of a class crit.

Students must particpate in the listed activities to be considered for the scholarship. These activites are meant to support and complement the student academic career.
Scholarships will be award based on student participation in the program and their end-of-the semester submission reviewed by jury.

To participate or receive more information about the program, register here.