Lunchtime Learning / ADA Webinar

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April 29, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Zoom Meeting

VIRTUAL WEBINAR: The Pandemic Response and the ADA w/Jeromy Murphy

DATE: April 29, 2021

COST: All AIA members experiencing hardship (loss of work, reduced pay) as a result of COVID 19, may attend these sessions FREE. Please email Rhonda for hardship request.

  • AIA Member or AIA Assoc Member - $10
  • AIAH Affiliate Member - $10
  • Non-Member - $25
  • Request Hardship Consideration / AIA Members Only - $0

Registration is required.  Instructions will be emailed to all registrants beginning April 26

A minimum of 3 days’ notice is required to receive a full refund if you need to cancel your reservation.

AIA CREDIT: 1.0 HSW/LU / Barrier Free

During the pandemic, offices moved to remote working, restaurants built “outdoor” dining areas, plastic screens were installed, and service lines were stretched out to accommodate social distancing. In our haste to build barriers to the spread of the virus, the needs of people with disabilities were often ignored and, in many cases, new barriers were created. This program will explain the requirements of the ADA and how we can create safe environments for all.

Learning Objectives:

1.  Summarize the requirements of the ADA for temporary features.
2.  Identify architectural barriers created as part of pandemic response.
3.  Analyze requirements for accessibility as related to these architectural changes.
4.  Create solutions that address business needs, pandemic response and the needs of people with disabilities.