The Value of Planning In Shaping Houston's Future

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September 26, 2024
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Texas Southern University - Barbara Jordan Mickey Leeland School of Public Affairs
100 Cleburne St PAB 114
Houston, TX

Welcome to the Planning Roundtable Event!

Join us for an exciting in-person panel discussion at Texas Southern University-Barbara Jordan/Mickey Leeland School of Public Affairs. Our event will feature industry experts sharing their insights and knowledge regarding how planning has impacted Houston's development and the opportunity planning holds for the future growth of Houston and the region. Students and professionals are invited to attend this exciting event to learn more about ways in which collaborative and multidisciplinary approaches are key to infrastructure improvements. Don't miss out on this opportunity to network, learn, and engage with like-minded individuals. Mark your calendars. We can't wait to see you there!

Free and open to everyone


  • Texas Southern University - Barbara Jordan Mickey Leeland School of Public Affairs, 3100 Cleburne St PAB 114, Houston, TX 77004