TRW Family of Companies Awarded Recognized Level Craft Training Endorsement by Construction Career Collaborative (C3)
TRW Family of Companies Awarded Recognized Level Craft Training Endorsement
by Construction Career Collaborative (C3)
"Construction Career Collaborative is pleased to award TRW Family of Companies with Recognized Level Craft Training Endorsement for its commitment to the future of the construction workforce demonstrated through the specialized training of craft workers leading to a more defined career path and a sustainable workforce,” said Mike Holland, C3 Board Chairman and Chief Operating Officer of MAREK, TRW Family of Companies earned this recognition by demonstration of commitment to the craft workforce through the institution of a craft training program.”
Launched in 2018, C3’s Craft Training Endorsement Program is a rigorous standard that measures a company’s craft training program against a training framework. The endorsement, offering three levels of recognition, is achieved through the development, implementation and evaluation of robust craft training connected to career paths for craft professionals. Launching in 2018, C3’s Craft Training Endorsement Program provides recognition to world – class construction firms that have documented and implemented training programs that:
• Demonstrate corporate leadership commitment to the development of craft workers,
• Implement craft training programs for all craft workers,
• Establish a more sustainable workforce through craft training connected to career paths.
By achieving Recognized level recognition for their craft training program TRW Family of Companies has distinguished their company as an elite employer dedicated to providing well trained craft professionals working for better quality results for all their clients.
TRW Houston earned this recognition by crafting and delivering craft training tied to a career path and ongoing commitment to training the craft workforce for the future.