
B205-2007, Standard Form of Architect's Services: Historic Preservation

$12.99 - each

B205-2007 establishes duties and responsibilities where the architect provides services for projects that are historically sensitive. The range of services the architect provides under this scope spans the life of the project and may require the architect to be responsible for preliminary surveys, applications for tax incentives, nominations for landmark status, analysis of historic finishes, and other services specific to historic preservation projects. B205-2007 may be used in two ways: (1) incorporated into the owner-architect agreement as the architect's sole scope of services or in conjunction with other scope of services documents, or (2) attached to G802-2007, Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement, to create a modification to an existing owner-architect agreement. B205-2007 is a scope of services document only and may not be used as a stand-alone owner-architect agreement. B205-2007 was revised in 2007 to align, as applicable, with B101-2007.

