Accessibility Seminar: Understanding the ADA

October 13, 2016
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Registration for this event is now closed.

Understanding the ADA

Presented by Teresa Darr, AIA and Douglas Darr


The acronym "ADA" is frequently used to mean physically accessible.  But the Americans with Disabilities Act is far more encompassing than the construction of the built environment.  This Seminar will provide a basic understanding of the American with Disabilities Act and how it affects clients, owners, developers, and society in general as well as the design and construction industry.

The presentation will give an overview of Title I - Employment, Title II - Public Entities, Title III - Private Entities, Title IV - Communications, and Title V - Miscellaneous Provisions. The general requirements of each title will be discussed along with the importance of specific sections.  In addition, the evolution of the ADA and development of the codes and standards leading to the current 2010 ADA Standards will be presented.


Learning Objectives

  • Review the significant dates in the evolution of the ADA.
  • Learn about the requirements of Titles I, II, III, IV, and V and related codes and standards.
  • Identify the differences between Title II - program access and Title III - barrier removal for both existing facilities and new construction and alterations.
  • Provide Architects with a basic understanding of how the ADA impacts owners, clients, and developers beyond the requirements of design and construction.

2.0 HSW AIA Learning Units
Barrier Free

A boxed lunch and beverage will be included with registration.
Parking is not included.



A limited number of handicap accessible parking spaces are available in the gated parking area of Bayou Place.

AIA Houston will no longer be validating parking at the Hobby Center Parking Garage.  AIA Member registration prices have been reduced to account for the appropriate parking rate in this facility to correspond with the length of each class. 

For more information about nearb parking facilities, click here.

For more information and to plan your trip on MetroRail and local bus routes, click here.

Online Registration Form

Registration is currently closed.