Major Changes from the 2006 Houston Building Code to the New 2012 Houston Building Code

February 11, 2016
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Major Changes from the 2006 Houston Building Code to the New 2012 Houston Building Code

Presented by Warren Bonisch, P.E.

This session have reached it's maximum capacity.  Check back soon for updates as to the date for our next session.


The class will explain the significant additions and subtractions between the 2006 Houston Building Code and the new 2012 Houston Building Code. A review will be made of the major 2006, 2009, & 2012 IBC code changes that have occurred so as to better understand the new 2012 Houston Building Code. Major changes to high-rise buildings, egress width calculations, exit path markings, fire service access elevators and occupant evacuation elevators are just a few of the more important changes that took place. This class is specific to the Houston Building Code and how they impact architects and their design.

Learning Objectives

  • Provide attendees with knowledge of how to identify the deletions, additions and changes
  • Provide attendees with an in depth knowledge of the major building code changes
  • Provide attendees with an understanding of the Houston Building Code Amendments
  • Explain to the attendees the reasons for the code changes between the different building codes

This session has been approved for 2.0 HSW AIA Learning Units.

Online Registration Form

Registration is currently closed.