Houston 2020 Visions

Program Partners

Funding Provided By

Categories for Submission: S,M,L,XL

Special Support for Submission Guidelines provided by Donna Kacmar and Susan Rogers from the University of Houston Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design, Community Design Resource Center

SMALL Individuals, Households & Small Businesses
     • Stable, safe and affordable housing
     • Access to affordable healthcare
     • Access to quality food sources
     • Employment & Income stability
     • Access to transportation – public and personal
     • Disaster preparedness and response
          Food / Water
          Cleaning & maintenance/repair supplies
          Personal Hygiene & Medical Supplies
          Communication/Support group connection

     ● How do individual households become more resilient?
     ● What organizations/agencies assist with this?
     ● What information do people need?  And how is it distributed?
     ● How is assistance provided for those with high needs?
     ● How do individual households prepare for a disaster? What organizations/agencies assist with this?
     ● What happens immediately following the disaster?
     ● How are individuals provided with assistance?
     ● What do people need to recover long-term?
     ● What are the barriers to individual preparedness and recovery?


MEDIUMHouses, Housing, Buildings, Businesses
     • Structures
     • Homes
     • Schools / Childcare / Early Childhood Education
     • Hospitals / Community Centers / Non-Profit Organizations
     • Businesses / Commercial Structures

     ● What resources exist and are needed for assessing,  repairing and maintaining existing buildings?
     ● What can be done to prepare structures for a disaster?
     ● What needs to happen immediately after a disaster or power outage?
     ● What organizations/funders are assisting with recovery at the building scale?
     ● How do you design for future natural disasters? Or greater resilience? Elevating? Buyouts? New construction?
     ● What is the impact of our current building code, and how could these regulations be re-considered?
     ● What are the barriers to resilient design and construction?
            Possibly: What does resilient design look like for homes vs. commercial and institutional structures?


LARGE – Neighborhoods (including issues of equity and access)
     • Development
     • Environment
     • Industry (Toxic, Refineries)
     • Waste (Debris)
     • Wastewater (Infrastructure/Release)

     ● What are the barriers to resilient communities?
     ● How do we assess and address resilience vulnerabilities at the neighborhood scale?
     ● How can new neighborhoods be developed and designed to create more resilient communities? How can existing neighborhoods be retrofitted to support more resilient communities?
     ● How do cycles of disinvestment and gentrification in neighborhoods threaten individual and cultural resilience?
     ● How can existing neighborhood groups like HOAs, PTAs, Civic Clubs and Super Neighborhoods support and generate resiliency efforts?
     ● What should happen at the neighborhood scale to prepare for a disaster? How can government, nonprofits and the private sector aid this preparation?
     ● What organizations/funders are assisting with neighborhood scale preparedness and recovery?
     ● What systems need to be working immediately following a disaster at the neighborhood scale? Transit, schools, etc.?
     ● What immediate resources should be available at the neighborhood scale?
     ● What needs to be in place for a neighborhood to organize and communicate following a disaster?


EXTRA LARGE – City / County / Region
     • Infrastructure 
     • Transportation (Roads, METRO, ride-share)
     • Bayous / Drainage Channels / Reservoirs
     • Council Districts - www.houstontx.gov/council/maps.html
     • Watersheds - https://www.hcfcd.org/drainage-network/harris-countys-watersheds/

     ● What are the barriers to a more resilient city?
     ● How do cities and counties address stresses on long term resiliency such as inequalities in income, education, housing and access to food and healthcare.
     ● What development and planning models could create more resilient growth patterns?
     ● How does a region identify vulnerabilities to disasters such as weather, flooding, drought, terrorism and economic events?
     ● How does the city/county prepare for a disaster? At what scale is this necessary?
     ● What are the immediate responses at the city and county scale?
     ● Who are the organizations the city and county work in partnership with to prepare and respond to a disaster?
     ● How can we improve the available funding sources and structures for resiliency projects?
     ● What city and county systems need to be readied to respond to a disaster? Emergency first responders, transportation, schools, city offices, community centers?
     ● What are strategies for more robust flooding infrastructure?
     ● What strategies should the city and county have to address larger stresses on resiliency such as climate change and adverse political policies from State and National government.