Michael G. Meyers Design Competition

For more information about MGMC please contact
Megan Kohler MeganK@kirksey.com

Houston, TX

MGMC Platinum Sponsor

MGMC Silver Sponsor

Clays for College Title Sponsor

Clays for College Gold Sponsorship

Golf Cart Sponsor

Clays for College Beverage Sponsor

Clays for College Lunch Sponsor


The Michael G. Meyers Design & Scholarship Competition is an annual event sponsored by Architecture Center Houston Foundation, AIA Houston, and local architecture firms and affliates. This is an idea competition with an emphasis on creative problem solving and graphic presentation.

This year, MGMC will be in-person, and is open to all Houston area high school students. Students may work as individuals or in groups.

This is an ideas competition with an emphasis on creative problem solving and graphic presentation. To guide students through the design process, the MGMC Committee will host a series of events to help students learn basic architectural drawing skills, understand the competition requirements and meet their client.

1. At the Student and Teacher Workshop students will get a unique opportunity to interact and learn from the architects and designers currently practicing in the Houston area. And, the 2024 project will be annouced! 

2. During the Project Site Tour, they will have a virtual visit to the site to get familiar with the neighborhoods surrounding the project competition site. The Site Tour allows them to understand how to incorporate their design into the surrounding environment, and to see the area from another perspective.

3. At the Interim Review students will get valuable feedback from professionals.

4. The Final Award Ceremony is for students, teachers and parents to celebrate and recognize the competition winners. Scholarships will be presented by the ArCH Board President.

The competition takes place from January-May 2024, on three Saturdays throughout the year. This year’s challenge will be announced at the Student and Teacher Workshop in January.

In the past students have been asked to design a variety of dynamic and challenging projects, including an education center with a focus on sustainable efforts and practices, a multi-purpose building for Houston’s Third Ward, a soccer stadium, a museum, and others.

All Houston area high school students are eligible to participate regardless of class affiliation or age.Teachers and Counselors are encouraged to promote this scholarship competition. 

2023 Winning entries can be seen here.

For more information about the MGMC Design Competition contact Megan Kohler at MeganK@kirksey.com


Student & Teacher Workshop
Saturday, January 20
Architecture Center Houston
902 Commerce St, 77002
Register for the workshop here.

Project Site Tour
Saturday, February 17
10:00 am
Location: 1140 Lumpkin Rd, 77043
Register Here

Interim Project Review
Saturday, March 23
Architecture Center Houston,
902 Commerce St, 77002
Register Here.

Projects Due
Projects can dropped off starting Thursday, May 9 from 9:00am-5:30pm
The deadline is Friday, May 10, 5:30pm (late projects will be accepted on Saturday, May 11, 10am-noon)
Architecture Center Houston
902 Commerce St, 77002
All students MUST fill out Student Label Form and attach to the back of their project. Student label can be found here

Awards Ceremony
Thursday, May 16
Architecture Center Houston,
902 Commerce St, 77002
Register Here

